Thursday, 13 November 2014


this daily update is on a trial period for 2 weeks

SÉQUENCE #1 : Going on a gap year

FINAL TASK: you have decided to go on a gap year. Get ready to present your project, your motivations and what exactly you are planning to do. Make sure you explain in what way such an entreprise can help you progress in your personal life. 

Stage #1: what is a gap year?
Stage #2: what can a gap year bring you?
Stage #3: build your project

Thursday 13 November

(Sequence follow-up)

Correction de la compréhension :
4-a. She sees it from the plane.
b. She sees a small remote spot lost in the middle of hundreds of miles of lakes, trees and snow.
 / !\ 500 = 5 hundred, 5,000 = 5 thousand_ (INVARIABLE)
BUT hundreds of, thousands of, millions of + pluriel

c. The village {is composed of}/counts 350 inhabitants. There is one  {and only}/single {grocery store}/shop/supermarket and a local school. The village is/LIES in the middle of nowhere.

TASK: enact the phone conversation.
Upon arrival, Jennifer Davies calls her mum to ket her know that she’s reached her destination safely. Imagine and act out the dialogue.
Stage 1: prep-work in pairs
Stage 2: speed-conversation (swap partners 5 times)

Remise des devoirs

Vocabulaire :
A snowmobile (moto dotée de skis)
A snow-bike

1- Learn voc;
2- Finish text comprehension questions.

Thursday 20 November : text comprehension
Friday 21 November: written expression

Friday 14 November

Cours :

(text comprehension follow-up)

5. - 350 inhabitants = {3 hundred and fifty}
    - the village is PLAGUED WITH a high rate of unemployment and THEREFORE/HENCE poverty.
    - people spend their time drinking alcohol and smoking/taking/{INDULGING in} drugs
So Aklavik is a place where a dire/grim atmosphere prevails.

6. Jennifer was/{worked as} a teaching assistant.

7. She taught
     She helped kids with a condition / disabilities
     She did cooking/sewing.

8. FAS means/stands for/represents Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. It is the name given to the physical and mental damage that babies suffer from when women drink alcohol when PREGNANT
> Drinking while pregnant LEADS to complications
> If you drink when pregnant, it will be hazardous for your baby

Vocabulaire :
Unemployment (N) = joblessness
Be unemployed = to be jobless (adj)
---> be on the DOLE = live on unemployment benefits.
To prevail = be the most important
BAD  --> DIRE/terrible/dark/catastrophic/dramatic/uncomfortable/gloomy/GRIM

Grammaire :
_poverty = [u] (uncountable=indénombrable) = concept
Kids may have difficulties when learning HOW TO read/{do homework}/speak/understand

Thursday 20 November
Friday 21 November   
- Text comprehension
- Written expression

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