Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Class vocabulary

Friday 26 September

Game: What were you doing when this photograph was taken?

EXTRA VOC seen/heard in class today:

Syllabe soulignée = accent tonique dans le mot
Syllabe en gras= attention (différent du français/particularité..)

to volunteer = do a job willinly without being paid usually to help people in need
  => volunteering (NOUN)
to take a photograph / to be a photographer
to capture a moment
to travel
to make the most of something : take advantage of something (profiter de quelque chose)
to sleep under the stars/sleep out in the open: dormir à la belle étoile

a well : un puits
a cheetah: un guépart
a flask of water: une gourde
the melting of the ice caps: la fonte des neige
a field: un champs
a starry sky: un ciel étoilé
a landslide: un glissement de terrain
a hardship: une épreuve

1- Learn VOC- worksheet + EXTRA VOC (above)
2- EE: Imagine you are one of the characters in the photograph, explain the context of the photo. 150 words
3- What country have you already visite? What country would you like to visit?

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