As we worked on GMOs, you might be interested in reading /browsing through the following article about Argentina and the devastating effects of Genetically Modified Crops / Use of Pesticide on the health of the population.
Argentina: The Country That Monsanto Poisoned
be confined to = to be limited to
drinking water : l'eau potable
to warn: prévenir / alerter
cancer rates two to four times higher than : le nombre de cancer deux à quatre fois plus élevé que
the national average: la moyenne nationale
to spray : pulvériser
a ban: une interdiction
it has increased eightfold = it has been multiplied by eight
a hodgepodge of: un fatras/salmigondis
be drenched in poison: être trempé / détrempé de poison
kidney failure : insuffisance rénale
to file a complaint : porter plainte
a container : un conteneur / récipient / baril en plastique
birth defect: une anomalie congénitale
a disease : une maladie
a weed killer : un désherbant
to condone: approuver / cautionner
to reap : récolter
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