Tuesday, 24 November 2015



The school's Journal is preparing a special issue on climate change as the international environment summit (COP 21) is due to take place at the end of the month in Paris. The editorial team would like to illustrate their special issue with two posters promoting the protection of the environment.
You are a member of the editorial team. You and another member are in charge of studying two posters and choosing the best one. Get ready to defend your choice with clear arguments.
Make sure you convince the rest of the editorial team to select the poster you have chosen!

How to proceed?

1- Observe the different posters and discuss each of them briefly.
2- Choose the poster that sounds most effective.
3- Get ready to justify your choice with clear arguments based on:
-       the pictorial elements (photo, context, who or what, setting..);
-       the slogan and/or the message;
-       the strategy used to raise people’s awareness and its effectiveness.
4- Make sure you pay particular attention to your presentation to be as convincing as possible.


a poster in favour of/supporting..

Brightlight colours
Joyful dreadful/frightening

A character (personage)
The setting (décor)
The slogan / legend

In the foreground
In the middle ground
In the foreground

On the right/left

At the top /bottom

In the top left-hand corner

to be part of a campaign

to show = to feature

to scare /alarm/startle

to surprise/astonish/ shock/ dazzle

to make someone laugh /smile / giggle / guffaw (=laugh loudly) / crack up

to mislead / trick / deceit

to make someone  confront / face

to make someone open his/her eyes

to be convincing / persuasive / forceful / valid / insightful (=judicieux/pertinent)

the poster features … in order to convince us to

we can identify to

we feel concerned by..

we feel urged to understand
(on nous pousse à..)

To make someone do something
(faire faire qqe à quelqu’un)

we are scared into taking action ..

we are incited to take a stand..

to raise people’s awareness

Take a closer look at..

Pay particular attention to..

It’s the best without the shadow of a doubt!

No other poster can match it!

Don’t you see how ..

Can’t you imagine ..

Don’t you think that..

Just picture ..

Just imagine..

TASK #2: Listen to and understand an activist's song! Then write your own plea for the environment!

click her for : Dear Future Generations VIDEO CLIP

Activist and spoken word artist Prince Ea has released his newest video, “Dear Future Generations: Sorry,” to urge young people to take immediate action to stop climate change. His previous videos have become viral sensations and his latest is no different. It was released on April 20 to coincide with Earth Day and garnered 28 million views on Facebook in the first two days.

“I made this video to inform my generation that there is something we can do right now to take back our future; that is to take aStand for Trees,” said Prince Ea. “Climate change is an emergency situation of the highest degree and all of us share the responsibility to do something about it.”
Last month, Prince Ea traveled to Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to witness firsthand the horrors of tropical deforestation. He also visited pioneering forest conservation projects developed by Wildlife Works that demonstrate a successful new way to stop deforestation by rewarding forest communities who conserve their forests.
“The Stand for Trees campaign was designed to put the power to save forests in the hands of the people to whom the future matters most: young people,” explained Mike Korchinsky, founder of Code REDD and founder and president of Wildlife Works.
Climate scientists have warned that global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 17 billion tonnes annually by 2020 to avoid increasing disastrous effects of climate change, according to Stand for Trees. The destruction of forests currently contributes more than 7 billion tonnes of emissions.

TASK #3: View the trailer of This Changes Everything and be ready to recap what the movie is about.

click here to view VIDEO : This Changes Everything Trailer

View a news documentary, take notes and get ready to report to the rest of the group. 
DOC #1:
"California drought - how it could affect the world"

click here for VIDEO "California drought.."

DOC #2:
"There's no water" residents plea for help in epicenter of California's drought (4 September 2015) 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

ADVERTIZING - What is advertizing's influence on children and teenagers

Listen to the following audio documents and answer the questions below:

DOC #1:

DOC #2:

DOC #3:

DOC #4:

Monday, 12 October 2015


How has Oscar Pistorius risen to the status of a hero? 

be handicapped = disabled= physically-challengedtrack and field events = athletics
be amputated = be an amputee​                                an athlete / a paralympic athlete
a limb= a part of your body like a leg/arm/hand​     to set / break a record 
​                                                                                 take gold/ silver / bronze

to curb​                   to challenge​                        to compete - competition
to limit to overcome
to impede​              to surpass (stgh/oneself)
to restrict​               to beat the odds
​                                                                                  a /ˈhɪərəʊ/
to defeat​                to achieve​                            /ˈherəʊɪzəm/ =
to fail ​  to accomplish
to give up              to score ​                       /tə ˌdɪˈfaɪ θə ˈlɔːz əv ˈneɪʧə/=
to abandon​            to triumph
                                                                                   ​/tə ˈbiːt ðɪ ˈɒdz/=

=> Explain what factors contributed to turning Pistorius into a hero.
=> Compare the war hero and the sports hero.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


FINAL TASK: You are a Member of Parliament (MP) during the 19th century. You have decided to take a stand against work for children by submitting a Bill1 hoping to create a Law protecting them. You will argue your case using specific examples, testimonies and reports about the dangerous working conditions children face.

1. a bill: un projet de loi

STAGE 1 : What was the Industrial Revolution and what was its main impact on society ?

Watch the video about the industrial revolution and note down as many comments as you can.
Then recap with your classmates about the content.

STAGE 2 : Collecting information and evidence about child labour.

During the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution spread thoughtout Britain. The use of the steam-powered machines led to a massive increase in the number of factories and thousands of new workers were needed, many of whom were children.

1-    Divide into groups of 2 and focus on the set of documents ;
2-    Describe what kinds of documents they are and what you think they are about ;
3-    Take a closer look and analyse two documents ;
4-    Report your findings to the other groups ;
5-    Together recap what you have found so far about child employment in Victorian Britain.

Textile industry


(Reproduce on a separate sheet)

Tuesday, 22 September 2015



Please find enclosed the links to the videos studied in class today:

Training: listen & repeat

Make sure you prepare your dialogues for Role Play Workshops (ATM) on Thursday 24/9/2015


Situation#1: a French student is arriving in London for his/her internship. His/her first encounter is with the his/her new English roommate whom he/she has met through an ad on the internet.

Student A: You have just arrived in London and are meeting your roommate for the first time.
Student B: You are welcoming your new French roommate who will be staying with you for 1 month.

Situation#2: a French student is arriving in London for his/her internship. His/her first encounter is with his/her English host family, Mr and Mrs Marcus and Aby Williams - Mrs Dedenon’s very good  friends indeed.

Student A: You have just arrived in London and are meeting your host family for the first time. Introduce yourself.
Student B: You are Marcus and are welcoming the French student who will be staying with you for 1 month.
Student C: You are Aby and are welcoming the French student who will be staying with you for 1 month.

Situation#3: You have come to London for a one-month internship. Your tutor has introduced you to two other students so that you can go out in the evening. You are meeting them for the first time.

Student A: You are the French student and must introduce yourself. Explain what you study in France and why you are in London. Say what you’d like to do.
Student B: You are an English student studying management. You love France and speak about where you’ve been.
Student C: You are an English student and are asking the French student questions about what he/she wants to do in London, to visit in England..

Situation#4: a French student is arriving in your company (AT&T) for his/her one-month internship. You will be his/her tutor. Imagine the scene. 

Student A: You have just arrived in London and are meeting your tutor for the first time. Introduce yourself.
Student B: You are welcoming the French student who will be staying with you for 1 month.